British Values
At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School we actively promote the school values and strive to explicitly live out the Catholic ethos and mission of our school. We are confident that the Gospel Values give our pupils the necessary awareness of what it means to be a good citizen in Britain today, and embed in them the building blocks for a successful and productive life.
Through our Curriculum we are able to make real life links between the values of our pupils and the lives of others in their community, country and the world. We teach about democracy, responsibility, rules and laws, equality, values, environmental awareness and a respect and tolerance of other faiths.
Behaviours which are contrary to these British values are actively challenged, whether they come from children, parents or staff. Such instances are extremely rare in school and we are proud of our positive reputation within the local community.
The DfE set out its definition of British Values in the ‘Prevent Strategy' as follows:
- Mutual Respect
- Rule of Law
- Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
- Democracy
- Individual Liberty