Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
In Year 2, we continue to build upon the foundations that have been laid down in EYFS and Year 1, ensuring that our Year 2 pupils have an engaging and broad curriculum. We aim to provide a happy and secure learning environment where all children are encouraged to try their best and achieve their full potential. In Year 2 children complete their Phonics Screen Check (Autumn Term) and Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs, Summer Term).
The curriculum that is provided in Year 2 is focused around six topics:
Turrets and Tiaras: History/Design and Technology (DT) - Pupils will acquire knowledge of how castles have changed throughout time and be able to identify different parts of a castle. During English lessons, we will read lots of stories that have a castle setting, learning and writing about the different people who live in castles. Pupils will have the opportunity to investigate crowns and design one of their own.
London: Geography/History/DT – Pupils will learn about how London has changed and some of the reasons why. They will also be able to identify important city landmarks and recreate them with different resources.
Fire, Fire: History/Art and Design - Pupils will learn about the significant events of The Great Fire of London. They will be able to order these events and discuss the impact this fire had not only on the city itself but also its residents. During art lessons pupils will recreate the fire as it spread down the River Thames, using a variety of different materials.
Our Part of the World: Geography – Pupils will celebrate the different countries that make up the UK. This will include learning capital cities and enjoying cultural stories from these countries.
What a Wonderful World: Geography/Art and Design - Pupils will learn about the countries and cultures of the world. They will have the opportunity to share their own culture with others as we celebrate our diversity. The pupils will identify countries on maps and famous landmarks of those places. Culture and diversity will be celebrated through artwork.
This is Me: Art/Geography – Pupils will create portraits of themselves and share what makes them unique. They will also investigate what it means to part of a community, living in Luton and surrounding areas as well as being an important part of our St Joseph’s family.
The promotion of strong oracy skills is a priority for our children, as we aim to extend their vocabulary and practise in speaking. This focus runs throughout our curriculum, because children must be able to talk about what they have learned in a knowledgeable and articulate way in order to write successfully.
Please watch the Year 2 to Year 3 transition video September 2021
Please click below to access Year 2 SATs information.
St Joseph's Year 2 SATs Information
Administering the Phonics Screening Check video